Friday 16 October 2020

Beary successful day in the Library.

 Delta was surround by her furry friends today. Check out these photos of the bears/animals and their friends. We also had a drawing competition, you had to draw your teddy bear. Helen is making the very tough decisions and we will let the winners know shortly. 





  1. Great to hear Delta had some friends visiting the library! I was lucky enough to get a few hugs from them in the playground. I hear that furry friends love to listen to stories. I wonder what books will be shared with them on the weekend? Keep up the great reading everyone!

  2. Hey my name is Kali,
    I like how you guys have a bear in the Library and it has friends! Next time you should add a video of his friends playing with him. This reminded me of when we played with our bear at school. I wish you guys the best!

    Nga mihi,
