Friday 11 September 2020

Interview with a Librarian!

 Mālō e lelei! This week 3 wonderful student librarians took part in a brief interview. Please enjoy listening to Fatima M who was interviewed Angela. We will share more interviews in future posts.

Being a student librarian is a great way to demonstrate our 3 values; Manaakitanga, Manawanuitanga and Kaitiakitanga. 

 Would you like to become a student librarian in the future? 

Do you have what it takes to be a student librarian when you are a Year 6 student?

To learn more, come and visit our Whare pukapuka at lunch times and have a chat with the student librarians!


  1. What a great idea to interview current librarians! When I was at Intermediate School I was lucky enough to be a lunchtime librarian. My favourite jobs were tidying the shelves and choosing books to put on display. Love the library!

  2. Hi Librarians,
    This is a past librarian...
    I really enjoyed being one and I'm happy you do too!
    That's a really cool interview. The questions were amazing!
    I am doing interviews for Chooseday, and I enjoy writing the questions.
    Who wrote these ones?
    My piece of advice would be to always have the map with you.
    One other thing you could do would be to do a guided tour of the library!
    Franny out...🐠

  3. Kia ora Fatima, This is Lila from room 7!
    I was a librarian with Niamh in term 1 & 2 and it was so fun I really think everybody should be a librarian! I love your video so much it, it was such a creative way to express how you feel about being a librarian! I agree that you have to know your alphabet if you want to be a librarian! Next time you can say a greeting and say bye or something! How many takes did this take to make this video just right?
    Check out my blog
    Blog you later,

  4. Kia Ora Fatima, This is Niamh from room 7!
    I was a librarian with Lila in term one and two and it was soooo much fun!!! I really think everybody should be a librarian! I love your interview video so much, it was such a awesome way to show how you feel about being a librarian! I agree that you have to know your alphabet if you want to be a librarian! Next time you can say a greeting and say bye or something(If you want to and if you ever get that chance again)! How many takes did this take to make this video just right?
    you can check out my blog at:
    Blog you later,

  5. Hi Fatima I'm Carlos in room 7. I wonder if you like being a librarian. is it fun? Do you like reading? Bye

  6. Hi Fatima, This is Ali Good ideas fro Other people. Maybe you can do it again and good videos bye.
