Tuesday 8 March 2016

Bee writing!

Puriri Team went and checked out the honey extraction from our school beehive last week. 

There is some terrific writing up on the wall in the library, but here is a sample from Victor!

Today we went to the kitchen to see the honey extraction.

First Mr. Lyons talked about the frames, he said that the frames hold the honey and the wax keeps it inside. Then he talked about how you take the frames out of the hive and he showed us how you put them in the extractor.

After that we all got a turn to spin the extractor machine. This makes the honey come out of the frames, it is collected in a bucket. The honey is put into jars.

I felt happy, I really liked extracting honey and seeing it in the jars, it is liquid gold!!!
Here is Victor himself helping out with the extractor.

Make sure you come in and check out the rest of the awesome writing on the Writers Wall in the library!


  1. Hi Library.
    I like how you are making the honey.it is really cool and great.I think this is amazing.This is the best video I have ever seen.what is a extractor.
    From Bashir

    1. Hi Bashir. Good question. The extractor is the large metal machine that looks like a barrel. In the video Mr Lyons is holding it, and Victor is turning the handle. It makes the frames move very fast and then the honey comes flying out onto the sides of the barrel! Then it runs down to the bottom of the barrel where it can be collected in jars from a little tap.
