From the 12th to the 18th of Mahuru (September) it is Te wiki o te Reo Māori. This is a very special year as we celebrate the Petihana Reo Māori 50th Anniversary (Rāapa 14th Mahuru). On the 14th of Mahuru 1972, a petition signed by over 30, 000 people (both Māori and Non-Māori) and led by rangitahi from Te Reo Māori society and Ngā Tamatoa who wanted te reo Māori to be taught in schools was taken to Parliament.
To learn more, visit this site - ReoMā
It is because of this tremendous act of manawanuitanga and manaakitanga, that we strive to learn te Reo Māori at our kura (schools) today.
There are many ways in which you can be part of this special week, while improving your knowledge of te Reo Māori.
Come along to our Whare Pukapuka at lunch play time and enjoy listening to a pakiwaitara (story), colouring in and talking about some whakatauki, learn some kupu hou (new words) located all around our Whare Pukapuka and read some amazing ngā pukapuka.
learn and trying saying kiwaha (phrases) or kupu (words) in your everyday kōrero while at kura, kāinga (home) or when you are in your hapori whānui (wider community).