Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Matariki Stories

It is Matariki and we have lots of great books that you can come and read in the library. Here is a photo of some of them.

Here are a few read aloud books on Matariki if you can't make it along to the library.

Fairy Day

It was Fairy Day in the library.

Here is a photo of 'Fairy Helen' reading fairy books at lunchtime.

Delta had a fun time dressing up as a fairy today as well.

This is one of the great fairy books that we have in the library.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Space Stories

I found some great read aloud books on You Tube about Space! I hope you enjoy them. Remember to like post at the bottom of the page!

Max Goes to the Moon:

The Planets:

Life on Mars:

Roaring Rockets:

Me and My Place in Space

Eric and the Red Planet